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Pregnancy and Sex Hormones - How They Effect Your Body

By Stephan Karian

From the evolutionary point of view, women are vital for the perpetuation of the human race. Therefore, their health must be excellent at a time when they are ready to engage in reproductive activities and while they are pregnant. This is accomplished by the action of the ovaries and the adrenal glands that provide a steady, continuous supply of high levels of estrogen and progesterone.

High as the hormone levels are in young women, they are dwarfed by the levels of the same hormones during pregnancy. For example, the level of estradiol (the most potent estrogen) in a young woman ranges from 50 to 250 units. (For the benefit of scientifically-minded readers, the units are pg/ml picograms per milliliter, abbreviated as pg/ml).

Estradiol levels during the first trimester (first three months) can go as high as 3,000, reaching over 15,000 during the first trimester, and doubling that to 30,000 - 33,000 during the final trimester of pregnancy. That's over 100 times higher than the already high levels of a young woman.

Progesterone levels follow the same pattern. Normal level in a young woman is about one unit in the first half of menstrual cycle and four to fifteen in the second half (The units are nanograms per milliliter, ng/ml).

During the first trimester of pregnancy, progesterone level goes up to 90 and by the third trimester it can reach well over 400. As you see, these levels are very high compared to those of non-pregnant women. Keep in mind that pregnant women are exposed to these astronomical levels for about nine months. If hormones were dangerous, or if they could cause a disease, each pregnant woman would be a prime candidate.

As you see, these levels are very high compared to those of non-pregnant women. Keep in mind that pregnant women are exposed to these astronomical levels for about nine months. If hormones were dangerous, or if they could cause a disease, each pregnant woman would be a prime candidate. But we all know that pregnancy does not cause women to become sick. Just the opposite, most women feel absolutely fabulous. Except for the first few weeks when nausea and decreased appetite may be present, pregnant women simply glow with health. They thrive and feel great. Their bones are strong, their skin is supple and free of wrinkles, and they rarely ever get cancer or have heart attacks.

This should make it clear to you that natural hormones (those produced by the body itself) do not cause problems. Instead, they support health and protect us from disease. In fact, most diseases appear when hormone levels start dropping and become too low, which is what happens when we start getting older.

As a result of a seeing how his mother's life was saved by alternative therapies, Stephan Karian founded Great American Products. He did not set out to just create another vitamin company. He had a greater personal goal to enhance the quality of life for millions of people. Armed with the most up-to-date science as a research beacon, Stephan Karian has produced some of the most effective nutritional supplements available anywhere.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephan_Karian

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