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What You Should Know About Toenail Fungus Home Remedies

By Russell Strider

Fungal infections are never welcome occurrences, most especially if they affect a part of the body that makes the person afflicted with the condition unable to function properly or uncomfortable with his actions. Toenail infections that are due to fungi cause the destruction of your nail, inflammation, pus formation, foul smells and general discomfort.

This occurrence is known as onychomycosis or paranoychia. This form of infection happens gradually and starts off with hardly noticeable visible symptoms and eventually progresses to the turning of your nails black, thickening and crumbling of your nails and, if left untreated, can progress to changing the color of your nails to yellow or brown, enlargement of your toe and eventually the removal of your nail. Most of the time, it is your big toe and your little toe that get infected with this condition.

The reason why such conditions arise is mainly due to the lack of good hygiene and the prolonged, constant wearing of tight fitting shoes without any form of ventilation. The proper pH level of your toes is essential to ward off the growth of fungi. At the same time, you should avoid sharing footwear and socks with other people as well as wearing sweaty socks.

Tea Tree Oil

The first on the list of toenail fungus home remedies is the use of tea tree oil. This substance has natural antiseptic properties and also serves as a fungicide that will help to stop the growth and destroy the fungi. All you have to do is to apply the tea tree oil mixed with olive oil to the toenail with the fungal infection. You can also use the mixture of olive oil, tea tree oil and thyme oil, all in equal amounts, rub the mixture on the nail, leave it on for 10-15 minutes, and then scrub the affected site with a toothbrush. Keep applying the mixture until the infection has stopped.

Listerine Mouthwash

Another of these toenail fungus home remedies makes use of mouthwash in a very creative manner. There are a lot of compounds that come with your regular mouthwash including alcohols that help in the treatment of fungal infections. Mix together mouthwash and a heavily acidic natural substance like lemon juice. Add this mixture into a tub with adequate amounts of water where you can soak your feet for a total of 20 minutes. Do this at least once a day every day until the nail improves.

Oregano and Olive Oil

Oregano and olive oil are considered one of the more popular toenail fungus home remedies. The method involves only the mixing of two drops of Oregano essential oil to one teaspoon of olive oil. Apply the mixture on the site every day for a total of three weeks. If you are suffering from this problem, try one of these 3 remedies and you should see good results.

Are you looking for a nail fungus remedy? Be sure to visit my site to find the best toenail fungus home remedies.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Russell_Strider

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