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Why Driving May Cause Back Pain

Have you ever wonder why your back hurts when driving for long distances or a long period of time? I have recently retired and I have noticed that when I drive for more than an hour or two my lower back really starts to hurt. I do get extra relief by removing my wallet from my back pocket because it feels like I am sitting on a rock which has been driven into my butt cheek! If you have ever experienced this then you need to see what is actually happening when you sit in your car seat.

Today's modern cars have got lower to the ground causing the seats inside the cars to also be lowered. What this does is take away the natural curvature of your spine away thus making you feel quite uncomfortable. Unfortunately even the so-called lumbar seats may help for short periods of time, but under long trips that take hours your rear feels like it has been clamped down to the seat, and let the back pain begin! No wonder it feels so good when you stop and get out of your car!

With our cars becoming lower and with our seats being tipped back it also causes pressure on the spine because we find ourselves looking at a 15 to 20 degree angle to see straight ahead, designers! Do you realize that sitting in this position actually causes our pelvis to roll back even causing more discomfort? Maybe they are just trying to keep us awake while driving; because I know back pain will keep you awake.

We can help to eliminate this type of back pain by sitting as close to the pedals as possible sitting with our arms bent slightly in a normal driving position, remember how we were taught, keep your hands at the 10 and 2 position on the steering wheel?

One way that I have found to help fight the back pain is to have a good lumbar support, you can even purchase one if your vehicle does not have one. Placing slight pressure on your lower back with the lumbar can help lessen your lower back pain. Another suggestion I have is especially if you take long journeys, is to stop occasionally or extend your trip to allow for traveling shorter distances. A word of caution when exiting your vehicle after driving for a long period of time, try not to bend or stretch because your back is more inclined to be injured because of extended sitting period.

I hope that I have given you some insight into why driving may cause back pain, and that you will use my advice to make your driving experience more enjoyable.

Jerry Standefer has a back pain website that refers you to treatment and how to rid yourself of back pain once and forever. Visit "Pain In My Back" and sign up to receive a free book and free videos all about lower back pain.

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KrishaLiva said...

I'm a traveler and sometimes experiencing back pain. This post would really help a lot. Thanks for sharing this.
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