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Relieving Golfers' Elbow Pain - With a Tennis Ball?

A few months ago I was having this conversation with one of my friends. He was telling me about this exercise that you can perform with a tennis ball that will help you relieve the pain caused by G.E. I was pretty surprised by the simplicity of this exercise. Although my little problem wasn't cured, it sure did help.

Before going further know that I suffered from extreme pain for an entire year before finally learning how to treat and care for it. Also note that there of various amounts of great sources across the Internet with tips and tricks on how to treat the discomfort.

With that being said, this exercise will hopefully help you relieve some tension. All you have to have for this exercise is a tennis ball and a wall.

1st. Press a tennis ball between your elbow and the wall.
2nd. Begin 3 to 4 inches below the angular part of your arm.
3rd. Once you're ready to roll the ball up your elbow.
4th. Do this repeatedly 8 to 16 times per session.
5th. Hold sessions multiple times a day.
By following some of the above advice and by continuing the above exercise while avoiding activities that can make your situation worse, you will begin to relieve the pain of golfers elbow. Again, it's important to avoid activities such as golf, tennis, chopping wood, or anything else related while treating golfers elbow as it's not just something that will go away on its own.
My name is Taylor Thompson, and I am the owner of an exercise equipment review blog, along with a home remedies blog. I've been blogging since January 3rd, 2008, and have loved in ever since.

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